
How to Stop Procrastinating

Have you ever found yourself putting off important things over and over again?

You see, procrastination, or The Art of Postponing, is one of the biggest enemies you will have to face in order to achieve your goals.

But trust me, it can be done.

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The Art of Negotiation

Have you ever had the feeling that you have been taken advantage of during the negotiations? Do you find it difficult to fulfill your expectations when discussing your salary? Do you often end up accepting what is given to you without even putting up a fight? Well, it does not have to be like that anymore.

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Assertiveness Basics

In this short, 60-minute guide I will tackle the topic of assertiveness (The initial 30-minute guide has been extended with an extra 30 minutes of assertiveness life examples)

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Manager Masterclass

In our fast-moving, competitive world of jealousy, challenges and backstabbing, managers find it more and more difficult to control their workers and get the best out of them. In some cases people are promoted to the position of managers without being given the adequate training.

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Goal Setting for Success

Have you ever wondered why some people achieve success whereas others struggle every single day of their lives? You might think that this is all connected to talent, intelligence or even connections with the right people. However, the truth is quite different.

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Assertiveness at Work

Many people think that being assertive is only linked to saying “No”. That is not true.  The truth is that assertiveness is actually the ability to behave and communicate with others in a strong and confident way. This is why it’s so important for you to be assertive at work.

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Master The Art of Body Language

Most people do not realize that the great majority of communication is actually NON-VERBAL. Whenever people speak, their brains send information to different parts of their body to display the message they are trying to convey.

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Business Presentation

The act of presenting in front of an audience is still one of the biggest fears people have to face. Whether you’re just a student presenting your topic to a class of twenty or a businessman pitching to a full auditorium, it may still make your knees wobble.

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Salary Negotiation

For the majority of workers asking for a pay raise can be a nerve-wracking experience. Even if the company is prospering, you still might feel as if you were being too demanding or bumptious. If the negotiation is not executed in the right manner with the right preparation, it may lead to embarrassment, distaste and anger.

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Assertiveness Mastery

Have you ever had the feeling that others were not listening to you or were not reacting to the message you were conveying? Do you find yourself agreeing to do something even though you feel the urge to refuse? Would you like to stand up for your rights without degrading others? If so, you have come to the right place.

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The Art of Communications

This course will allow you to massively improve your communication skills. You will learn how to interact with people in the world of business and ultimately achieve success. You will be able to draw and keep people’s attention, both verbally and non-verbally. You will captivate and enthrall the audience.

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Video Presentations

Do you find it difficult to present in front of the camera? Do you struggle to attract and maintain the viewer’s attention? Maybe you find it odd to see recordings of yourself and think that your voice, body language and charisma could be better.

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The Power of Motivation

Learn to feed your mind continuously with empowering thoughts. Fuel your mind with thoughts that are related to happiness, contentment and pleasure and the brain will strive towards its achievement.

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Do you have moments when negative energy is stopping you from taking important actions and living up to your true potential? You lack motivation and can’t get yourself to do what really matters.

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Charisma Mastery

Have you ever asked yourself why people who have the same qualifications and experience achieve totally different results in life? The answer is very simple.

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How To Spot a Liar

By possessing and understanding the fundamental knowledge of body language and human psychology you can and will be able to spot a liar.

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Self-Discipline Hacks

In this course I will empower you with knowledge and wisdom, that has helped so many people before you, to push forward and ultimately reach your target.

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Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

In this program, I will walk you through the steps to first understand the causation of type 2 diabetes and obesity, which are in fact interconnected.

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*FREE* Confidence Masterclass Part 1

In this course, I will take you on a journey to make you understand how to communicate in a strong and confident way.

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*FREE* Confidence Masterclass Part 2

In this course, I will take you on a journey to make you understand how to communicate in a strong and confident way.

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